Around the month of November 2024, the sixth edition of the Worldskills Piemonte trades championships will be held at the Lingotto fairgrounds in Turin, Italy, where the top 3 finishers of the FANUC Olympics held on May 13-14, 2024 will have the opportunity to participate. Therefore, they will have the opportunity to participate in this great event Riccardo Dallevi and Matteo Letizia Dionigi, students of its Biomedicale of Mirandola followed and trained by Ideativa, I who obtained a third place in the Fanuc Olympics. The event, to be held in Turin in November 2024, represents the national selection for access to the EuroSkills Herning European Trades Championships (Denmark, 2025) and the regional selection for access to the WorldSkills Italy National Trades Championships (Bolzano, 2025). The national championships in Bolzano will in turn constitute the qualifying stage for the WorldSkills Shanghai World Trades Championships (China, 2026).